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Wednesday, March 31, 2021
By Matthew Blewett
Are you interested in being part of a photographer's Senior Rep program? Most of us are doing something like this. At My Story Minnesota, we have an exclusive My Story Minnesota Senior Spokesmodel program. So what does it mean to be part of a rep/spokesmodel program?
We’ve put together a few tips on how to be the best rep and spokesmodel if you choose to participate in a program. In the My Story Minnesota Senior Spokesmodel program, you can earn back the cost of your senior experience and other great prizes. Our program, like many, give spokesmodels lots of opportunities to get photographed in exchange for spreading the word about our senior portrait experience. Here are some ideas for maximizing your referrals. If you have found that something else works too, let us know and we’ll add it in.
- Have a good online social media presence and actively post on your social media pages. We encourage active social media posting at all our spokesmodel events. Post behind the scenes stories and share your special blog posts.
- Post often. Instead of posting all your photos in a gallery all at once. Post individual (or small groups) photos on a regular basis. Our studio offers our spokesmodels images with our logo, which helps them tell our story. Tag your photographer in the caption and MAKE SURE to tell your reader to let the photographer know that you referred them when they book a session with them.
- At My Story Minnesota, we create a custom app for all of our Senior Spokesmodels. Other photographers might offer rep cards and other ways to pass "referrals" to your friends. Make sure to pass them out. Whether you text them your digital referral card (like what we give our Senior Spokesmodels) or you had your friend the card, this can be one of the most effective ways to get those spokesmodel rewards...and your friends will thank you for the referral too (My Story Minnesota gives them a $50 discount too).
- Tell your friends and teammates how fun a photo session is with your rep. This can be by words (in the caption) or as a personal video testimonial while you are at one of our spokesmodel events.
- Lastly, ask your parents to share your rep cards (or in our spokesmodel's cases, your app) with their friends who have children your age. This will help them brag about your beautiful photos and will help you earn prizes.
Being part of a photographer's rep program is not for the feint of heart. It can be a bit of work, but is it also a LOT of fun. If you want experience in front of a camera, if you love sharing photog on social media and if you are ready to be your communities next influencer, apply to be in a rep program. We can only speak for My Story Minnesota's program, but we are planning charity fundraisers in addition to the fantastic photo shoot opportunities. It will be a memorable experience and it will give you some great reference opportunities for future jobs and college.
If you live in Minnesota, we would love to have you apply to be be a spokesmodel for My Story Minnesota. We take applicants from all over the state, but be aware that our shoots are primarily in the Southwest Metro area of Minneapolis. Click on the button below to apply, our applications are usually live from February until about mid-April every year.