Top ten things to pack for your senior session emergency kit
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Monday, August 02, 2021
By Matt Blewett
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Safety pins

You never know when a strap could tear loose or if button could pop off, so safety pins are the perfect fix for wardrobe mishaps.

Bug spray

Depending on where your session is taking place, we recommend bringing bug spray with you to keep all the mosquitos and other flying terrors at bay. Make sure it doesn’t dry to a powder, which can accidentally turn your clothes white where you spray it.

Comfy shoes for walking

Most of us would rather spend time in our comfy Converse or flip-flops rather than our formal stilettos, so bring your feet’s favorite kicks to walk from the car to the session location and save your toes from all the unnecessary cramping.

One or two backup outfits

Here’s the deal... things happen. One moment you’re changing for your next outfit, then all of a sudden you hear a big riiiiiiiip at the back of your dress. OH NO. Sometimes things like this happen and it’s always good to have a backup outfit to be able to replace it with.

Sewing kit

You never know when a button could pop off or a zipper could pull loose and if you are inclined, being able to quickly sew it up on location could save you from a lot of panic. You can easily find a small emergency sewing kit at any grocery store and even a few corner stores.

Different types of undergarments (SUPER IMPORTANT)

This one will save you. Depending on what you decide for your session outfits, you may need to bring different types of undergarments like a strapless bra, or racerback bra, or lacey bandeau, or any of the other kinds that won’t show or hang out of your sleeveless tops. Some seniors like to also bring along their favorite shapewear if they’ve chosen a formal option for a portion of their session.

Water and snacks

The best way to stay fresh throughout your senior session is to stay hydrated and fed! Believe it or not, these sessions can take it out of you and being prepared with some good calories and H2O is never a wrong decision! Bring snacks that you can easily pop into your mouth without have to bite into them and bring a straw with you to drink your water – these tips will SAVE your lipstick!


Want that beautiful sheen to your skin that you see in magazines? That fashion secret is all about the lotion! Moisturized skin photographs much better than dry skin and can make you look fresh and dewy from the inside out!

(Bonus secret)
Add a little liquid highlighter to the center strip of your limbs and your collarbones for a little extra glow!

Cortisone/Anti-itch cream

In the event you do experience a run in with a stinging or biting insect (ants, mosquitos, spiders, etc.), it’s a great idea to have a cream on hand that can not only fix the itch, but depuff the area of swelling and redness. The last thing you want is red, splotchy and swollen welts all over your legs or arms for your senior portraits.

Makeup remover wipes

These will come in handy in more ways than you can possibly imagine! Of course makeup remover wipes are great for removing makeup (duh), but did you know that they can also remove deodorant marks on clothing? They can also remove small makeup smudges on your clothing that happens when you pull a shirt over your face. And finally, they’re also really great if you wanna clean off your hands in between shots if you get them dirty.

See? Makeup remover wipes are pretty dang awesome!

And there you have it! You’re well prepared for any emergency that can come your way on your session day!

Tags: Seniors, Tips
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